Friday, February 10, 2012

Lincoln and our vacation to Cayuga Med

Lincoln is home now and doing great, he is a fun baby to have around!

 Lauren is recovering great! They took out her staples before we left the hospital, and she is able to take care of Lincoln like nothing ever happened.

When he is awake, he loves to look around and stare at the faces around him. 
 We don't know what color his eyes will be yet, but they are definitely big!

  Lauren's parents are here helping out, it has been really nice having the extra hands around, especially as I get back into school. Thanks Karen and Ron!

 His car seat is a little big for him, even with the extra infant padding.

He is figuring out how to suck his thumb and loves to move his arms all over. 


  1. He is so small!!! But super cute. We can't wait to meet him!

  2. I love that last pic!! :) Lauren and you will be wonderful parents. I can't wait to meet Baby Lincoln! Congratulations, and best wishes to to the Brimley family.

  3. OH Lauren - he has your beautiful mouth.

  4. Congratulations, he is beautiful. We can't wait to meet him, hopefully you guys can make it out next month.

  5. I was going to say what Lindsey said... He has cute lips! Congratulations! Love you guys.

  6. Congratulations you two! Hope everything is going well!


About Us

Dryden, New York, United States
We love to travel, especially Lauren, she really loves it. She loves it so much that she works at Delta so we can fly for free. When we go on a trip we try and figure out how to get around and what to do while we are there and of course how to keep to a budget so we can do another trip soon. This is our first attempt at a Blog to share what we have found and hopefully help other people in their travels.